Wednesday, August 30, 2017

CSJ Weeks 5 & 6: Getting in the Door & Tough Week

February 17, 1988

I got in my first door last Friday and placed a Book of Mormon.  It was my door and after giving my approach, he asked how long it would take.  I said 10 minutes and he invited us in.  We told him about the Book of Mormon and asked him if he would read it.  He said yes.  I was so psyched after that.

On Monday we got in my second door.  It was my door again, but nothing I said got us in.  It was a Chinese gentleman in his fifties; he let us in after we identified ourselves.  He is over here from Shanghai, going to Stanford.  He is a doctor and he leaves to return to China in three months.  We are going to take him a Chinese copy of the Book of Mormon on Sunday.  We'll probably take Br. Gong, a ward member from China, with us.

We had a zone activity today; we went up into the hills behind Portola Valley to a place called Rolling Hills.  From there we could see the blue of the Pacific Ocean to the west, and much of the Bay Area to the east, from San Jose all the way up to San Francisco.  We had a picnic and then a few of us played some touch football., it was a blast.

This zone is the greatest, not to mention the smallest.  It is really just a super district as there are only 14 of us.

I've had a couple of DAs since I got here, so my diet isn't suffering too badly.  The trouble is, I don't know what kind of food to buy.  Breakfast and lunch are okay, but I am lost when it comes to dinner.

Well, that is about all the exciting stuff happening in Palo Alto.  All the kids in our apartment complex think we are Stanford students.


February 24, 1988

It was another hard week; didn't get in any doors and we've got no on to teach.  One investigator is in the hospital and another is in the orient for three weeks on vacation; two others we cannot get a hold of, they're dogging us.

Today we toured Stanford University, it was great.  We went all over the campus and I got some good photos.

On Monday morning, we were getting ready to go out when, suddenly, I got the feeling that my companion was avoiding me.  I walked into the living room and he got up real quick and left the room.  He was in a bad mood all morning and hardly said a word, which was quite unlike him.

Then our zone leaders popped in for a visit.  One of them spoke with my companion, while the other stayed in the living room and chatted with me and my other flatmates.  It was a cool chat; Elder Baker is very knowledgeable, another McConkie, he really seems to get in to him.

The zone leaders left, but my comp stayed in the bedroom for a while.  We finally got out in the afternoon, going on team-ups with Fox and Lima.  Fox and I tracted, but without success.  We were out on the edge of our area, near Los Altos Hills, and we had to walk up some steep hills.

Anyway, nothing against Elder Golf, he is a good guy.  But he has said that of the four comps he's had since coming out, three have been bad -- the only good one was his trainer.  I worry sometimes that I might be another bad companion because I have a hard time making conversation.  I feel like I'm doing the best I can, and I do try to take opportunities to talk, but it is hard.  I get too scared sometimes to ask him things that I think I really should ask him.  I guess I'm afraid of what he'll think of me.  It looks like I've still got some of that inferiority complex.

I hope he doesn't give up on the companionship like my MTC comp did.  If he does, this companionship is history.  All I can do is the best I can, but I don't think it's good enough.

I just finished reading Drawing on the Powers of Heaven, what a great book.  I got a lot out of it -- loved it!

On Sunday, at a DA, I tried eggplant (what? I tried something new?).  It was good.  They served us omelettes with eggplant and some other stuff.

Tomorrow we have a follow up appointment on a lady we tracted into.  She lives next door to the guy who was the first door I got into.  She was busy when we first knocked on her door; we stopped by last Tuesday, but she was still quite busy.  Then she went out of town, but will be back tonight.  She is a Midonite, but she seems like she might be interested.

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